Getting to all of our well sites was quite a mission. All in all, it was 80 hours and 1200 miles of driving all off road.
Needless to say it was dusty and hard on both us and The Cruiser. We had 3 flat tires, one tire was destroyed, the power steering pump went on the blink and we had to give our spare fuel, to the drill team, twice. Logistics in the far flung area is an art, and fuel is the paint :)
Will's Wells now has a compound just a stones throw from Hwange National Park. The government gave it to us for FREE to help with drilling. It is about a half mile from Nadana Village where we built the Will Power elephant proof garden. The garden was designed by Trinity University engineers for their senior project.
Below are the water well locations, just click on the Google Earth Location button to get the file.
You need to download Google Earth Pro to visit the water well sites.
Nkoba: Bank of San Antonio
22 homesteads and 190 people
Vulashaba: Greg and Becki Kowalski - 42 homesteads, 400 people
Mtshayeli Clinic: Jeff Wells
- 400 people
- 295' deep, water column 52'
Bonke: San Antonio Zoo
- 60 homesteads, 550 people
- 203 feet depth
Xabamude: Gordon Hartman Family Foundation
- 360 people, 47 homesteads
- 262 feet depth, 29' water column
Janiza: Kathryn Chandler
- 203', 45' water column
- 600 something People, 90 homesteads
Kapanyana: Guido Materials
- 90 homesteads, 1020 People
Nyelesi: Presley/Gentry
- 230'
- 300 People
Gwenga: Guido Construction
- 278' water level: 39' water column
- 58 homesteads, 389 People
Nganyana: The Cavaliers
- 86 homesteads, 900 People
- 160' deep, 32' from ground to water
Zikwakweni: Ashco Contracting
- 43 homesteads, 155 people
- 262' deep, 114' from ground to water.
The day we visited a deadly Southern Vine Snake was hanging out on the pump.
Siwela: 24 households 210 people: Karen Moore
Tshefu Tshefu: Liberto Family
- 160 people
- 118' deep
Mvana: Christy Prescott
137' deep
- 45 homesteads, 700 people
Gombalume: Denise Pfeiffer
- 230 people
- 157'r deep
Somkhaya: Connor Quintanilla
- 27 homesteads, 310 people
- 131' deep
Dibutibu Secondary School: Dr. Alice Viroslav
- 213 students, + community, lots of use
- 147' deep
Ntumbami: Tom and Deborah
- 209 deep, 98' water column
Sipepa police station: James Huffman
Phondo: Elmendorf/Berg (Witte Museum Board Members)
- 114 homesteads, 800-900 people
- 242' deep
Malindi School: Witte Museum
- 145 students all together
- 308', 59' water column
Mako: Luther King Capital Management
- 108 homesteads, 1000 people
- 236' deep, 68' water column
Ntulula: Tobin Center
- 23 homesteads, 70 something people
- 210' deep
Mazilingwa: April Chang solar pump
Sodaka: Boxy and Janet Hornberger
- 24 homesteads, 300 people
- 278' deep
Nikosikazi: David Bartlett
301' deep 60' water column. 11 households about 100 people.